This treatment tones your tush and will improve lymphatic drainage, stimulating the muscles, break down and shift fat deposits, and stimulate the hypodermis, all of which combines with the increased toning effects and give the appearance of a smoother, firmer, more lift backside. With this treatment you’ll improve the roundness of your glutes up to 70% almost the same results as if you did 2000-2500 squats per session!
10 mins of metal cup helping bring the circulation to the booty from the back of the knee to the booty.
Then we place cups in the middle of the glutes for 30 mins.
This is the ultimate package for those who want a nice lifted, round and full booty
Along with smooth cellulite free thighs. This treatment we focus on all areas of the glutes. The middle to pull that muscle out and the sides to give the glutes a nice round look. Then we focus on the back and the thighs to help tighten the skin to get rid of any cellulite and slim down the body. 💲100
This treatment is perfect for those who hate having a dip on the side of your glutes. We help pull that dip out and give it glutes that beautiful round booty you longed for. 💲45